Tuesday, 8 November 2011

F1 Drinking Night!

Dear all,

I should really update my blog more often! We bought a portable BBQ pit and had a BBQ a few weeks ago, unfortunately, the pictures are with Sean (a colleague) and he still has not sent me the pictures until now. Thus, when he finally (if ever) send me the pictures, I will post the pictures on the blog!

This entry is really about an F1 drinking party that we had about 2-3 weeks ago. Well, after I got Gerald to help me doing the operations, I had a lot more time to think about events to organise and F1 is one of those event! Thank you Gerald, if not, this event will not be possible.

I started off the night by giving a free bottle of Gin to guests of the hostel. Someone has to start the ball rolling right? Beers are also sold by the bucket which is cheaper than if you buy individually (which is cheaper than if you buy in pubs/clubs). This has to be encouraging to a certain extent. But let me emphasize, we encourage people to drink responsibly.

Most of us were drinking outside the hostel at the beginning.

After a couple of hours when everyone is getting a bit tipsy, we decided to play a drinking game: Ring of Fire. For those who did not know what game it is, it is basically a drinking game where everyone will most probably get drunk pretty quick.

First, you lay all the playing cards in a circle (hence the name). Next, everyone will take turns to pick a card from the circle. Whoever break the ring will have to finish whatever he/she has in his bottle/cup.

Each individual card will have a specific meaning (Eg. Girls drink, Boys drink, Rule card where the rule master has to set a rule where everyone has to follows, if not, he/she will have to drink, Point to the Sky where the last person to point to the sky will have to drink... etc etc)

We ended the night at around 12 midnight. I was really tired. Think I am getting old and I really can't stay up as late as I used to. Anyway, it was quite a successful night! Thank you everyone for attending the drinking night! We will have more of these to come! :)

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